List first 100 prime numbers
List first 100 prime numbers

list first 100 prime numbers list first 100 prime numbers

From this, we can also say that we can avoid the numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 or even numbers in general as they will have factors. So, for a given number n, one should check for the factors up to \ value. Note: Generally, students miss out factors while finding whether a number is prime or composite. For example, here are two ways to list the first 100 primes: require 'mathn' list gen gen.each do prime list << prime break if list.size. The pairs except 13 and 31 are 17 and 71, 37 and 73. That is, if a number is not divisible by anything except 1 and the number itself, then it is called a prime number. Now, let's consider examples like 5, its factors are only 1 and 5, so, it’s a prime number, while, for 4 it's factors are 1 and 4 as well as 2. Every natural number has both 1 and itself as a divisor and if a number has no divisor other than 1 and itself it is considered as prime otherwise, it is considered as composite. The first abundant numbers are: 1 (1 divisor ), 2 (2 divisors ), 4 (3. The divisors of natural number n are the natural number that divides n evenly. What is the list of divisors from 1 to 100. In the question, we are said that both 13 and 31 prime numbers and both these numbers have the same digits 1 and 3 and thus, we have to find such pairs.īefore proceeding let us know about some information. Hint: At first, collect and write all the numbers between 1 to 100 and then we observe one by one and see that there are a total of three pairs just like the pair 13 and 31.

List first 100 prime numbers